Albert Lopez Topics

Albert Lopez, DO

Dr. Lopez started his medical career with an undergraduate degree in biology and a minor in marine biology at George Washington University. He then completed a year of graduate school at Georgetown University. His medical school degree started at the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, transferring to and graduating from Ross University School of Medicine in Portsmouth, Dominica BWI. He spent a period studying nutrition and working as a personal trainer with both professional and elite clients while pushing his own professional body building human performance. He was accepted into Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine in North Miami Beach followed by an internship at St. Michael’s Medical center in Newark, New Jersey. During this internship he learned if you treated the nurses well, your life would be easier. So he won the nurses’ hearts while being a very aggressive learner working on a TB ward and with many early HIV patients. Dr. Lopez went to the University of Pennsylvania for his 2nd year residency where he met his wife. When she finished her residency, they both accepted positions bringing them to their current location of Jacksonville, FL. Upon arriving in Florida, he worked with a few select physicians to develop the first viably working hospitalist program in Jacksonville. Dr. Lopez board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Physicians and Surgeons – Diplomate of Internal Medicine, and a fellow in the American society for Preventative Cardiology. “ I have always been known for my nutritional concepts in the realm of evidenced- based medicine”


Two Docs Talk Advanced Lipids

Albert Lopez, DO, Michael J. Koren, MD
Cardiovascular Health, Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Lipoprotein a - Lp(a)

The Changing Face of Type 2 Diabetes Man...

Albert Lopez, DO

What to do after a Heart Attack or Strok...

Albert Lopez, DO, Michael J. Koren, MD
Cardiovascular Health, Heart Disease, Lipoprotein a - Lp(a), Stroke

One in Four People Have This Disease, Co...


Who should get tested for Lp(a)

Albert Lopez, DO, Kevin Geddings, WSOS Radio, BS
Cardiovascular Health, Lipoprotein a - Lp(a), MedEvidence Radio

Normal Cholesterol Numbers Aren't Enough...

Albert Lopez, DO
Lipoprotein a - Lp(a)