The Tom Wilson Effect: A Tale of Music Innovation and Lipoprotein Research

Have you ever wondered how Simon and Garfunkel's iconic song "Sound of Silence" became the hit we know today? Join us in this captivating episode as Kevin Geddings of WSOS Radio and Dr. Michael Koren, cardiologist and medical researcher, talk about Tom Wilson - a record producer who played a critical role in Simon and Garfunkel's success. Discover how Wilson's keen eye for potential hits and his electrified versions of Simon and Garfunkel's songs skyrocketed their career, as well as the tragic story of Wilson's early death at the age of 47 due to a heart attack, believed to be caused by genetic dyslipidemia.
Dr. Koren also shares the importance of testing for Lp(a), a lipoprotein that isn't traditionally included in lab tests but can significantly impact an individual's risk of heart attack or stroke. Get ready for a fascinating conversation that intertwines medical research, history, and the world of music!
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Photo: PoPsie Randolph/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images