Ken Amaro Topics

Ken Amaro, BS

Mr. Ken Amaro was born in the U.S. Virgin Islands. His father and grandparents were born on the Island of Culebra, Puerto Rico. Ken attended Jones College in Jacksonville, Florida, where he earned a BBA in 1980. Mr. Amaro worked as an Anchor/Reporter at First Coast News from 1979 until his retirement in 2021. Well known for his “On Your Side” consumer reports, Ken worked tirelessly for the consumer by uncovering scams, rip-offs, and swindles. He prided himself in helping viewers with problem-solving, using his motto, “Don’t get mad, just say, “I’m telling Ken!” Mr. Amaro has been a trusted voice for the voiceless, advocating for integrity and honesty in Jacksonville. He said in a statement, “For more than 40 years, Jacksonville families trusted me to serve as a voice for the voiceless and be a strong advocate for honesty and integrity in our city.” He is the winner of four Emmy awards plus a silver circle Emmy for his years of service. After retirement Mr. Amaro decided to continue his public service and was recently elected to the Jacksonville City Council with one goal in mind to continue serving the community. Ken is married to Rosalyn and they are the parents of four daughters and are insanely in love with their three grandchildren. Ken is also a licensed and ordained Elder at Philippian Community Church and enjoys his role of teaching God's word during Sunday school.


When the Teleprompter Gets Blurry: Ken A...

Eric Ross, RN, Ken Amaro, BS

Facts Are Only Half the Picture with Ken...

Ken Amaro, BS, Michael J. Koren, MD
Cardiovascular Health, Clinical Trials, Miscellaneous, Misconceptions