What to do after a Heart Attack or Stroke?

What to do after a Heart Attack or Stroke?
Who should be on my Heart Health Team?
Risk Factors You Need to Know for Your Heart Health
Treatments, Therapies & Clinical Trial for Post Heart Attack & Stroke Patients

This month's MedEvidence! podcast is a three-part series on "What to do after a Heart Attack or Stroke?" Doctors, Michael Koren and Albert Lopez, DO help you identify your heart health team, What's abnormal, normal, and what to do when symptoms last greater than 20 minutes and treatments, medications, and clinical research you need to know as a post-heart event patient.

Part 1 You will Learn:

  • Who do I call if I think I'm having a heart attack?
  • What are my risks for another event?
  • How can my family help?
  • How to find a clinical trial

Part 2 You wil Learn:

  • What modifiable risk factors are
  • What non-modifiable risk factors are
  • What you can do to help your risk factors
  • How clinical trials and research find other drug benefits

Part 3 You will Learn:

  • Treatment therapies to use after a heart attack or stroke
  • What is Lp(a)
  • Male vs Female Symptoms
  • Cardiovascular Disease Research

Dr. Michael Koren is a practicing cardiologist and CEO at ENCORE Research Group. He has been the principal investigator of 2000+ clinical trials while being published in the most prestigious medical journals. Dr. Koren received his medical degree cum laude at Harvard Medical School and completed his residency in internal medicine with a fellowship in cardiology at New York Hospital / Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center/ Cornell Medical Center.

Dr. Albert Lopez, DO practices Internal Medicine with Millennium Physician Group in Jacksonville, Florida. He is also a Principal Investigator with ENCORE Research Group specializing in lipid clinical trials. Dr. Lopez, DO completed his residency at the University of Pennsylvania and his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at Nova Southeastern University in Miami, Florida. He is known as one of the earliest evidence-based physicians in Jacksonville utilizing nutrition and lifestyle for disease prevention.

I believe in "N" of one" because "N of one" is about the patient. If it is not about the patient, then it is about nothing. - Dr. Albert Lopez, DO

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Music: Storyblocks - Corporate Inspired

Recorded Date: June 17, 2022