Cholesterol and the Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Cholesterol, Lp(a)

Cholesterol and the Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Cholesterol, Lp(a)


Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Statins & Evidence-Based Medicine
Lipoprotein the Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Cholesterol
New Treatments for Lipoprotein(a) on the Horizon
Lipoprotein (a) The Evil Twin of the LDL Cholesterol


Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Statins & Evidence-Based Medicine
Lipoprotein the Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Cholesterol
New Treatments for Lipoprotein(a) on the Horizon
Lipoprotein (a) The Evil Twin of the LDL Cholesterol Really, Really Bad Cholesterol

In this 4-part series Cholesterol and the Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Cholesterol, Lp(a) Dr. Michael Koren and Michelle McCormick dives deep into the fascinating world of lipoprotein(a), also known as Lp(a), the really, really, really, really bad cholesterol. In this series, we'll explore the dark side of this often-overlooked lipid and uncover why it's earned such a notorious reputation.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of Lp(a) and learn why it's considered one of the most significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease. We'll delve into its structure, function, and the role it plays in the formation of plaques in our arteries.

Throughout the episode, we'll explore the genetic and environmental factors that influence Lp(a) levels, and discuss why some individuals have inherently higher levels of this harmful cholesterol. We'll also delve into the challenges researchers and medical professionals face in effectively managing Lp(a) and reducing its impact on heart health.

But it doesn't end there! We'll also share the latest Lp(a) research breakthroughs, including promising therapies and treatments that offer hope for those at increased risk. You'll hear from experts who are tirelessly working to develop strategies to combat this dangerous cholesterol and improve cardiovascular outcomes.

So, whether you're a medical professional, a science enthusiast, or someone interested in safeguarding their heart health, join us on "The Cholesterol Chronicles" as we uncover the truths about Lp(a), the really, really, really bad cholesterol, and explore the advancements that could lead to a brighter, healthier future. Get ready to dive into the captivating world of lipoprotein(a)!

  • Part 1: Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Statins & Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Part 2: Lipoprotein the Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Cholesterol
  • Part 3: New Treatments for Lipoprotein(a) on the Horizon
  • Part 4: Lipoprotein (a) The Evil Twin of the LDL Cholesterol

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Music: Storyblocks - Corporate Inspired

Recording Date: January 28, 2022